Who We Are

Not much to say here. This site was started by Jason Cauley as a place to help along the non-French speaking Code_Aster community and to help generate some international interest. Further, others are helping, most notably a few people from the CAELinux forums. These people will remain un-named until I recieve a response that they are OK with my mentioning them.

As this site grows, we would like to include Tutorials and Help Files to go along with Code_Aster. Most wanted after the initial translation is some good *.comm file templates. Farther down the road we hope to actually begin extending the computational part (and not just the GUI) to include more Analysis capability. With this we are championing the cause for Code_Aster to become the premier FEA software for Unix/Linux that is actually affordable (GPL code). Enjoy and help out!

A Thank You

I would also like to thank EDF-R&D, the Code_Aster team, and CAELinux for creating the product and introducing me to it. :-)